Nonprofit KPI Dashboard | Spider Strategies

Nonprofit Strategy Execution Software

Nonprofits use strategic management software to streamline the tracking of performance metrics, while helping each employee to understand their role within their organization. Learn how you can get started with your own nonprofit KPI dashboard today.

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A woman standing on a flatbed trailer while handing a man a stack of boxes

Automate your scorecard

Say goodbye to Excel spreadsheets. Spider Impact lets you fully illustrate and visualize your performance and track the initiatives driving it.

Generate briefings to Deliver Key Management Information

Assemble your dashboards, reports, and KPIs into a multi-slide briefing for executives, providing them with a real-time view of performance at key times or whenever it’s needed.

Track low-level KPIs

First, set your goals. Then update your KPI values manually or with automated data feeds. Each KPI gets a score and a color of red, yellow, or green, so you know where to focus your attention.

Make Data-Driven Decisions

No more hunches. Use the insight and information within Spider Impact to drive solid decision-making using real data.

Woman smiling and watching a child play with a bead roller toy.
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VersAbility Resources Uses Spider Impact to Measure Performance & Clarify Priorities

Every time we look at a Spider Impact scorecard during a meeting, we have one of the most valuable and productive meetings we’ve ever had as an organization!

- Chief Human Resources Officer, VersAbility
Read the VersAbility Story

Prioritize your most critical data

With Spider Impact, not only can you see your performance at a glance, but you can also choose to view your most critical data first, enabling you to take action on underperforming metrics.

Fundraising KPIs Downward Trending KPIs Widget

Facilitate team collaboration and communication

Improve team interaction and communication to drive better results through collaboration. Communicate within Spider Impact to streamline communication about performance, initiatives, strategy achievement and more—streamlining.

Strategic Communication Team Collaboration on KPI Dashboard
Want to learn more? Try for Free

Example Nonprofit KPIs

We’ve assembled a collection of sample Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for you to use as a starting point when building scorecards.

View All KPIs
  • Cost per park safety enforcement action on park land
  • Number of licensed pets
  • Number of public emergency shelters
  • Number of abandoned vehicles investigated
  • Number of collisions related to pursuits

Experience Spider Impact for Free

Schedule a live demo or claim your free 30-day trial. We’re standing by to either show off Spider Impact or turn your data into a prototype for free.

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