Utilities KPIs | Metrics for Utilities Company

Utilities KPIs

Unlock the secrets to measuring performance in the utilities industry with our examples of key performance indicators (KPIs) for energy production, resource efficiency, and customer satisfaction.

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KPI Examples for Utilities

  • Annual labor cost per device
  • Average cost per job category
  • Average cost per megawatt produced
  • Average labor hours per device per year
  • Average maintenance cost per mile of pipe/line/cable
  • Average number of days each work order is past due
  • Average number of labor hours to complete a maintenance task
  • Average response time to fix breaks
  • Average revenue per megawatt produced
  • Average time to settle a rate case
  • Consumption analyzed by units consumed and target reduction achieved
  • CO2 emissions
  • Hazardous waste
  • Crew productivity
  • Customer satisfaction
  • Drinking water quality - Percentage of water tests that meet regulatory standards
  • Electrical grid load
  • Energy consumption
  • Equipment failure rate
  • Equipment unavailability, hours per year - Planned maintenance
  • Equipment unavailability, hours per year - Sustained fault
  • Equipment unavailability, hours per year - Temporary fault
  • Equipment unavailability, hours per year - Unplanned maintenance
  • Maintenance backlog
  • Maintenance cost as a percentage of manufacturing cost
  • Maintenance technician's skill level improvement, year over-year
  • Mean time to repair
  • Number of complaints received by type
  • Number of customers who were cut off due to violations of regulations
  • Number of disconnections
  • Number of pending work orders
  • Number of power failures per year
  • Number of reported gas leakages per 1,000 households
  • Number of sewage blockages per month/year
  • Number of staff per 1,000 customer connections
  • Number of uncontrolled sewage overflows affecting private properties
  • Outage time per event
  • Percentage of customers that would characterize their bills as accurate and timely
  • Percentage of possible power revenue billed
  • Percentage reduction in number of complaints to the local regulatory body
  • Percentage reduction in number of employee injuries
  • Percentage reduction in number of equipment failures
  • Percentage of maintenance work orders requiring rework
  • Percentage of man-hours used for proactive work
  • Percentage of scheduled man-hours to total man-hours
  • Profit redistribution (rural electric coops)
  • Reduction in hazardous liquid spill notification time
  • Reduction or stabilization in rates (municipally owned utilities)
  • Response time to gas or water leaks
  • Revenue growth
  • Safety incident rate
  • Sewage system reliability
  • Station unavailability - Planned maintenance
  • Station unavailability - Sustained fault
  • Station unavailability - Temporary fault
  • Total shareholder returns (investor-owned utilities)
  • Total time to complete new customer connections
  • Transformer/pump station reliability
  • Voltage deviations per year
  • Water system reliability
  • Water consumption

Why do utilities need KPIs?

KPIs, or Key Performance Indicators), are essential tools for measuring the performance and progress of utility companies. By tracking KPIs for utility companies, these organizations can gain valuable insights into their operations, make data-driven decisions, and ultimately improve their services for customers.

Key performance indicators are metrics that help companies measure progress towards their goals and objectives. For utilities companies, tracking the right KPIs can provide invaluable insights into operational performance, customer satisfaction, financial health, and more. While KPIs are important in any industry, they are particularly crucial in the utilities sector due to its highly regulated nature, extensive infrastructure assets, and mission-critical services. This article will examine why utilities companies should make tracking KPIs a priority and how they can implement an effective KPI program.

The Value of Tracking KPIs for Utilities

There are several reasons why utilities providers should focus on tracking KPIs:

  • Monitor compliance - Utilities must comply with stringent government regulations related to service quality, reliability, safety, and environmental impact. Tracking compliance KPIs ensures they are meeting their legal and regulatory obligations.
  • Benchmark performance - KPIs allow utilities to benchmark their performance against industry standards, competitors, and their own historical performance. This helps identify areas for improvement.
  • Inform investment decisions - By linking KPIs to financial metrics, utilities can better evaluate the costs and benefits of investments in infrastructure, equipment, technology, and other long-term assets.
  • Enhance customer service - Customer service KPIs help utilities improve satisfaction, respond faster to issues, and understand customer needs. This builds loyalty and retention.
  • Drive operational excellence - Performance indicators related to power generation, transmission and distribution efficiencies, outage response, asset utilization, and safety focus utilities’ attention on optimizing day-to-day operations.
  • Motivate employees - KPIs make company objectives clear and measurable for all employees. This fosters engagement, accountability, and productivity.
  • Identify cost reduction opportunities – Tracking cost KPIs can reveal inefficiencies and waste that can be eliminated to boost profit margins.

In essence, a robust set of KPIs gives utilities the visibility they need to meet their responsibilities as regulated service providers, while running an efficient and competitive business.

KPIs for Power Generation

For power generation activities, some recommended KPIs include:

  • Plant availability - The percentage of time a power plant is available to produce electricity. Maximizing availability increases energy output.
  • Capacity factor - Actual power plant output as a percentage of its maximum potential output. Higher is better for asset utilization.
  • Forced outage rate - The percentage of time a plant is shut down due to unplanned issues. Lower is better for reliability.
  • Heat rate - The efficiency ratio of fuel energy input to power energy output. Lower is more efficient.
  • Auxiliary power consumption - The percentage of generated power used internally by the plant. Lower leaves more power to deliver.
  • Safety incident rate - The number of worker safety incidents per 100 full-time employees. Lower is safer.
  • Emissions levels - Tons of CO2, SOX, NOX, particulates, and other pollutants emitted. Lower is more environmentally friendly.

Tracking these KPIs helps generation managers optimize the performance, efficiency, availability, and utilization of power plants. Benchmarking against industry averages and past performance identifies areas for improvement.

KPIs for Transmission & Distribution

Key performance indicators for utilities’ transmission and distribution functions include:

  • Grid reliability - Length and frequency of power outages as a percentage of total operating time. Lower is more reliable.
  • Power quality - Frequency and duration of voltage sags, spikes, and harmonic distortion incidents. Lower is better power quality.
  • Asset utilization - The ratio of network peak load to total grid capacity. Higher reflects efficient infrastructure sizing and utilization.
  • Line losses - The percentage of power lost in transmission and distribution networks. Lower losses increase efficiency.
  • Maintenance backlog - Outstanding preventative and corrective maintenance tasks as a percentage of total. Lower is better asset stewardship.
  • Safety incident rate - As described for power generation.
  • Customer minutes lost - Total minutes of customer service interruptions annually due to planned and unplanned outages. Lower is better service reliability.

These KPIs provide operations managers with visibility into the delivery efficiency, network reliability, and service quality of transmission and distribution systems. This enables data-driven system planning, maintenance, and capital investment decisions.

KPIs for Utility Financial Health

Important high-level financial KPIs for utilities include:

  • Liquidity ratio - The ratio of cash and short-term assets to current liabilities. Higher reflects better ability to pay financial obligations.
  • Asset turnover ratio - Annual revenue divided by total assets. Higher shows greater productivity from existing assets.
  • Debt-to-equity ratio - Total debt divided by total shareholder equity. Higher indicates greater financial leverage risk.
  • Interest coverage ratio - Operating income divided by interest expenses. Higher is better debt service capacity.
  • Return on assets & equity - Profitability ratios based on net income relative to assets and equity. Higher reflects greater efficiency.
  • Credit rating - Assessment of default risk by ratings agencies like S&P and Moody's. Higher rating lowers borrowing costs.

Tracking financial KPIs gives executives and shareholders clarity on the utility's financial strength, liquidity, leverage, profitability, investment returns, and risk profile. This shapes both near-term capital allocation decisions and long-term strategic planning.

KPIs for Customer Service

Utilities live and die by the quality of service they provide customers. Critical customer service KPIs include:

  • Customer satisfaction score - Assessment of overall service satisfaction through surveys and ratings. Higher reflects happier customers.
  • First call resolution - Percentage of customer inquiries resolved in the first interaction. Higher demonstrates service quality.
  • Average wait time - The average time customers wait on hold or in queues. Lower wait times improve the customer experience.
  • Abandonment rate - The ratio of abandoned calls to total call volume. Lower shows fewer frustrated customers hanging up.
  • Complaint rate - Number of complaints per 100 customers annually. A lower rate indicates better service quality.
  • Net Promoter Score - Customers' willingness to recommend the utility on a scale. Higher reflects higher loyalty and satisfaction.

By tracking customer service KPIs, utilities can better understand satisfaction levels, pain points in the customer journey, and areas for improvement. This supports efforts to enhance service quality, communication, responsiveness, and retention.

Implementing a Utilities KPI Program

Developing and maintaining a utilities KPI program involves several key steps:

  1. Identify strategic goals - Align KPIs to the utility's strategic objectives around operational excellence, infrastructure investment, customer service, risk management, etc.
  2. Select KPIs - Involve managers from all departments and functions in choosing a concise set of measurable, meaningful KPIs.
  3. Determine sources of data - Identify the internal systems and processes needed to reliably capture accurate performance data for each KPI.
  4. Set performance targets - Research industry benchmarks and leverage organizational data to determine realistic yet ambitious targets for each indicator.
  5. Monitor and report regularly - Establish routine procedures for collecting KPI data, calculating metrics, distributing reports, and reviewing in management meetings. Aim for monthly or quarterly reviews.
  6. Connect to incentives - Incorporate KPIs into reward programs and goal-setting for individuals, departments, and the executive team. This motivates improvement.
  7. Revisit and refine - Review KPIs at least annually to adjust targets, add or retire metrics, and reflect evolving organizational objectives and priorities.

Effective KPI programs take time, resources, and leadership commitment to implement. But the visibility they provide into all facets of a utility business makes them a hugely worthwhile investment.


For utilities companies today, merely keeping the lights on is not enough. Intense competition, rising customer expectations, aging infrastructure, and increased regulatory pressures make optimizing operations and financial performance mission critical. A robust set of thoroughly vetted KPIs provides the visibility required to drive improvement across utilities’ complex, capital-intensive, service-oriented businesses. While developing useful KPIs requires effort up front, the focus, alignment, and data-driven management discipline it institutes thereafter amply repay that investment many times over. Utilities that embrace KPI tracking will be better positioned to survive the myriad disruptive forces facing the industry and thrive well into the future.

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