Education KPI Examples | KPIs for Teachers and Schools

Educational Services KPIs

Unlock the full potential of your organization with our curated list of key performance indicators (KPIs) for education. From student engagement and retention to graduation and placement rates, measure and track progress to optimize performance and deliver outstanding education outcomes.

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KPI Examples for Educational Services

  • Student enrollment
  • Student retention
  • Graduation rate
  • Student satisfaction
  • Administrative expenses as a percentage of educational and general expenditures
  • Admission test scores for entering students
  • Annual student survey - Two-year comparison in five key areas
  • Attrition rate of online courses
  • Average course experience
  • Average daily attendance
  • Average daily participation percentages
  • Average endowment distribution by student
  • Average net academic cost and average percent discount
  • Average percentage consistently absent
  • Average student credit hours taught by tenure/ tenure track faculty by college
  • Average tenure or tenure track faculty salaries by college compared to peer benchmarks
  • Average undergraduate student credit load
  • Average student free application for federal student aid (FASFA) unmet financial need
  • Average graduating student debt
  • Choice into district - Number of students
  • Choice out of district - Number of students
  • Class attendance
  • Classroom and laboratory utilization
  • Comparison of most recent graduating high school classes to diversity of new 18-and 19-year-old students who enroll in the following fall term
  • Continuation rates of college students
  • Cost per graduate
  • Cost per meal (CPM)
  • Degrees awarded - Baccalaureate, masters, doctoral
  • Development expenditures as a percentage of total external income
  • Distance learning enrollment
  • Distance learning number of degree programs
  • Dollar value of restricted research expenditures
  • Dollar value of total external research grant applications and expenditures
  • Endowment value per student
  • Expenditures per student
  • Fewer students classified as needing special education services
  • Four-year graduation rate for community college transfer students with 30+ hours
  • Freshman retention rate by ethnic group and by financial aid category
  • Fund balance at x % of yearly expenditures
  • Graduate/ professional degrees in high demand fields
  • Home school students registered - Number of students
  • Increase of percentage of school-age students with disabilities participating in occupational education program
  • Increase of percentage of school-age students with disabilities receiving special education services in general class placements
  • Increase of percentage of preschool students with disabilities receiving special education services in settings that include nondisabled children
  • Increase of percentage of school-age students with disabilities receiving services in general education buildings
  • Institutional debt per student
  • Instructional expenses per student
  • International student load
  • International student headcount and percentage of FTE
  • Licensure exam pass rates
  • Licensure exam pass rates in program x
  • Master's-level five-year and doctoral ten-year graduation rate
  • Masters and doctoral graduates employed in state x compared to other state x graduates
  • National ranking of baccalaureate, masters, and doctoral degrees awarded to minority students
  • Nationally ranked programs
  • NCAA team sports athletics total wins
  • Non-instructional FTE per student FTSE, or non-instructional FTE to instructional FTE ratio
  • NSSE results in quality of student advising, entire educational experience, would attend again, overall satisfaction
  • Number of degrees awarded
  • Number of students per teacher
  • Number of total budgeted tenure/ tenure track faculty positions
  • Number of vocational degrees awarded
  • Percentage of academic staff with a doctorate
  • Percentage of full-time faculty who are women, are ethnic minorities, or have terminal degrees
  • Percentage of course requests satisfied by semester
  • Percentage of degree-seeking new transfers (of total enrollment)
  • Percentage of first year class in top 10% and top 25% of HS graduating class
  • Percentage of first year students requiring developmental education and successful completion percentage of developmental education
  • Percentage of graduating seniors from area high schools from most recent academic year who enroll in following fall term
  • Percentage of new students ages 18 to 19 who need developmental education based on their test scores
  • Percentage of tenure/tenure track faculty holding grants by college
  • Percentage of total positions endowed
  • Percentage of undergraduates receiving baccalaureate degrees with eight SCH or fewer above minimum requirement, number qualifying for state mandated rebate, and number requesting and receiving their rebate
  • Postdoctoral fellows
  • Program expenditures as a percentage of budgets Research rankings national and state Retention rates of students in vocational courses SCH taught by tenure/tenure track faculty vs. non-tenure/tenure track faculty by college
  • Six-year graduation rate and combined graduation/persistence rate
  • Student services expenditures per student FTSE
  • Students per faculty
  • Successful course completion
  • System-wide reduction in energy use over ten years
  • Technology transfer - new invention disclosures, patents issues, licenses and options executed, gross revenue from intellectual property
  • Time to a baccalaureate degree by area of study
  • Total budgeted endowed professorships and chairs
  • Total degree seeking new transfers
  • Total external gifts by alumni - Number and amount
  • Total external gifts by corporations - Number and amount
  • Total external gifts by foundations - Number and amount
  • Total external gifts by individuals - Number and amount
  • Total new transfer students
  • Total operating expenditures per student FTE
  • Total professorships and chairs positions filled
  • Total state appropriations per FTE student and tuition and fees per FTE student in constant dollars
  • Total state appropriations per FTE student compared to peers
  • Total stipend support for graduate students
  • Transportation costs per pupil
  • Tuition and mandatory fees compared to peers
  • Undergraduate classes with fewer than 30 students
  • Undergraduate degrees in high demand fields
  • Undergraduate financial aid awards
  • Undergraduates per professional academic advisor by college
  • Unrestricted reserves as percentage of operating budget
  • University students studying abroad headcount
  • Yellow bus on-time performance

Why track KPIs in education?

Organizations in the Educational services Industry track KPIs) (Key Performance Indicators) to ensure continuous improvement and maintain high standards of education. KPIs for teachers, KPIs for school, and those relating to the role of the principal and teacher are all essential components of this process. Let's dive into some of the benefits of using KPIs in the educational sector.

Key performance indicators (KPIs) have become an indispensable tool for measuring success across all industries, and the educational services industry is no exception. With the right KPIs, educational institutions can better understand how effective their programs and services are in fulfilling their core mission: educating students. Tracking the right data enables schools to pinpoint areas for improvement, optimize operations, and demonstrate their value to stakeholders. While some education KPIs are common across all institutions, others should be tailored to each school's specific goals, student population, and programs offered. This article will provide an in-depth examination of why KPIs matter in education and how schools can leverage them to enhance learning outcomes, increase efficiency, and drive continuous improvement.

The Value of KPIs in Education

On a fundamental level, KPIs allow educational institutions to quantitatively evaluate how well they are meeting their objectives. Education is rife with intangible goals like nurturing creativity, citizenship, and lifelong learning skills. KPIs help ground these abstract aims with concrete metrics that leaders can track over time. Rather than vague notions of success, data on metrics like graduation rates, career placements, alumni satisfaction surveys, and standardized test scores give schools specific targets to work towards. KPIs also facilitate benchmarking against peer institutions locally and nationally. If other schools with similar demographics consistently outperform your institution on certain KPIs, it signals an area for improvement. Moreover, KPIs enable data-driven decision making. Rather than assumptions or gut feelings, hard metrics guide leaders on where to devote resources. With so many competing demands in education, KPIs bring focus and objectivity to priority setting.

KPIs are also critical for demonstrating an educational institution's impact to external stakeholders like governing boards, community partners, and prospective students and families. Quantifiable metrics convey school outcomes in a more convincing manner than solely qualitative descriptions. Funders in both the public and private spheres are also increasingly tying financing to measurable results, making KPIs key for funding applications and grant reporting. For instance, initiatives like performance-based funding for state colleges and universities require schools to collect and report on prescribed KPIs to receive a portion of their public subsidies. Clear metrics add accountability and transparency that governing authorities expect from schools in exchange for financial support. Within institutions themselves, KPI dashboards allow all staff - from teachers to admissions recruiters - to understand their role in moving the needle on indicators tied to the organization's strategic goals. This alignment empowers every team member to gauge their daily impact on big picture success.

Leading vs Lagging KPIs

When designing a KPI tracking framework, education institutions should include both leading and lagging indicators. Lagging KPIs report on past outcomes such as graduation rates, alumni employment placement, faculty research productivity, and student satisfaction. These retrospective metrics are important summative assessments, but may only change gradually over time. Leading KPIs, on the other hand, can predict future results. For schools, these forward-looking metrics provide actionable data administrators can use to make changes in the present to meet downstream goals. Examples include student absenteeism rates, faculty qualifications, WiFi bandwidth usage, cost per square foot of facilities, and average time to fill staff vacancies. Tracking both types of KPIs gives institutions a dynamic view of both how well they are currently executing core operations and how likely they are to hit targets in the strategic plan based on leading activities.

Academic KPIs

For obvious reasons, the primary KPIs used by educational institutions focus on academic outcomes. Starting with inputs, academic KPIs assess the quality of students admitted, including acceptance rates, average GPAs, and standardized test scores. These entrance credentials influence downstream success, so tracking them helps institutions set appropriate baselines. Once students enroll, grades and course completion rates indicate how well they are learning and progressing. Schools can break down these KPIs by subject area, student demographics, class standing, and delivery modality (e.g. online vs. in-person) to identify when and where students struggle. Surveying students directly also provides useful perception data around course effectiveness, faculty, enthusiasm for the subject matter, and other learning experiences.

Examining student trajectories over time yields cohort retention and graduation rates, two of the most critical KPIs for colleges and universities. High dropout rates suggest academic programs or student services require rethinking. Graduation KPIs can further drill down on on-time completion vs. five- or six-year rates. The number of students who transfer out without graduating also merits tracking as an indicator of poor fit. Together, retention and graduation KPIs point to how successfully schools are cultivating degree completion. Loans default rates after graduation reveal if students feel their education generated career value and earning potential. Academic KPIs at the K-12 level take forms like standardized test scores, reading proficiency by grade level, National Merit Scholarship eligibility, and placement into advanced programs. Post-graduation data on college admissions and matriculation, military enlistment, and employment demonstrate how well high schools prepared students for further pursuits.

For faculty, relevant academic KPIs include student-to-faculty ratio, teaching loads, research output, and qualifications relative to peer institutions. Collecting data on faculty diversity also holds significance. Students benefit from learning from professors representing an array of backgrounds and perspectives. Tracking faculty community service activities sheds light on their engagement beyond teaching and research duties. While academic metrics make up the largest KPI category for educational institutions, non-academic operational and financial KPIs also provide crucial insights.

Operational KPIs

To deliver excellence in academics, schools must also focus on operational efficiency, making metrics in this sphere important KPIs. Student-to-staff ratios offer one window into how administratively bloated an institution is. Analyzing the percentage of the budget devoted to instruction vs. administrative functions provides another perspective. KPIs for staff turnover rates, internal mobility, and vacant positions help human resources calibrate hiring and retention initiatives. For student services, surveys can reveal utilization and satisfaction rates for support programs from financial aid to mental health counseling. Participation levels in campus activities and leadership opportunities also make meaningful engagement KPIs.

In terms of campus infrastructure, tracking maintenance requests, WiFi coverage percentages, computing device-to-student ratios, and unscheduled school shutdown days improves physical resource allocation. Campus safety KPIs such as average security response time, violent incident rates compared to similar schools, and percentage of buildings requiring keycard access provide security insights. Institutions can apply employee satisfaction KPIs across departments, adapting general templates to capture metrics on compensation perceptions, professional development opportunities, work-life balance, and diversity and inclusion. For online learning programs, key KPIs include scale (student enrollment), completion rates, faculty training rates, and instructional design support staffing. While investing in a robust digital infrastructure necessitates upfront costs, tracking KPIs like learning platform uptime demonstrates reliable access that promotes retention and growth.

Financial KPIs

As education costs continue rising, financial KPIs offer institutions heightened visibility into spending patterns, potential waste, and opportunities to redirect dollars to functions with the highest return on investment. Analyzing instructional expenditures per student compared to academic outcomes indicates where to double down on proven curricula and where programs require restructuring. Development KPIs like alumni giving rates, donation revenue, and endowment performance affect budgets and strategic plans. Enrollment management KPIs such as cost per applicant, yield rates, and discount rates in turn shape critical tuition revenue streams. Providing need-based aid limits student access based on financial capacity. Merit aid, however, often flows to affluent families for recruitment rather than going to students with need. The percentage of institutional aid awarded based on need thus offers actionable insight into how well aid furthers equity.

For state K-12 schools, per-pupil spending and student-to-staff ratios function as crucial financial KPIs. Class sizes, teacher salaries, counselor caseloads, nursing ratios, and other such metrics feed into this calculation. Spending should align to indicators of quality like test scores and extracurricular programming rather than simply chasing high per-pupil costs. Private schools track tuition dependency, which measures what percentage of the operating budget comes from tuition dollars rather than alumni giving, church support, or endowment payouts. Especially at the elementary and secondary school levels, managing financial aid and tuition revenue against student retention targets is paramount. Regardless of institution type, benchmarking financial KPIs against competitors and association medians points the way to smarter fiscal management.

Customizing KPIs

While this overview covers typical KPIs relevant across educational institutions, each school must define metrics aligned to its unique mission and learners served. For example, a performing arts high school would track placements of graduates in conservatory programs, arts competitions entered and won, representation in elite ensembles, and other artistic outcomes. A religious school would add spiritual development metrics around participation in worship services and theology courses completed. A school serving primarily underrepresented minority students may analyze matriculation to selective colleges as a key attainment metric. Districts with many English language learners would track linguistic progress year-over-year and target interventions to those not meeting language development goals.

Trade schools offering vocational certificates for construction, healthcare, IT, and other hands-on roles will emphasize completion rates, job placements in the field of study, and starting salaries as prime KPIs. Online colleges catering to non-traditional adult learners place heavy weight on enrollment and retention figures. Ultimately, each school should identify strategic priorities and macro goals first, then design and collect KPIs that indicate progress towards those ends. With their stakeholders, budgets, and strengths/weaknesses in mind, school leaders can curate a performance framework purpose-built for their institution.

Best Practices for Tracking KPIs

Once an institution has developed a slate of KPIs aligned to its core mission and functions, tracking those metrics in a consistent, visible manner is paramount. First, determine data collection frequency and owners. Some indicators like graduation rates only change annually while daily monitoring benefits metrics like school bus on-time arrival percentages. Assign data collection duties across departments to distribute the lift. Automate pulling performance data into dashboards whenever possible. For example, learning management systems generate detailed statistics on course completion rates, study times, and assignment scores. Eliminating manual tracking not only saves time but heightens data accuracy.

Displaying KPIs in centralized digital dashboards keeps the metrics constantly visible for leaders accountable to hit targets. Cascade dashboards from the executive level down to department heads, faculty, and other staff. This enterprise alignment empowers everyone to gauge their daily work’s impact on driving KPIs. Schedule regular data reviews as a leadership team to discuss trends, brainstorm interventions, and assess progress toward goals. Annual or bi-annual benchmarking analysis against peer institutions places your KPI outcomes in context. Be sure to archive historical KPI data to illuminate multi-year trajectories. When striving for a major shift on key indicators, frame KPI goal-setting in 3-5 year increments.

Tie compensation and performance management processes to advancing KPIs to enhance motivation. For example, schools often reward department heads and deans for meeting student retention and graduation rate goals under their purview. Incorporating KPIs into program and faculty reviews also builds accountability. Promote transparency by sharing KPI dashboards with school boards so they can monitor institutional health and strategic plan execution. For taxpayer-funded state schools, publicizing KPI results is mandatory. Enrollment management, alumni relations, and marketing teams should also reference compelling KPI trends to strengthen their outreach. By instilling a culture fixated on moving the needle on designated KPIs, schools concentrate efforts where they matter most.

Potential Pitfalls & Limitations

Despite their virtues, KPIs come with some inherent risks schools must mitigate. First, an excessive focus on metrics can inadvertently incent perverse behaviors that inflate numbers but degrade actual quality. This phenomenon is evident when standardized testing becomes the dominant priority in K-12 education at the expense of holistic skills. At colleges, admissions staff may feel pressure to increase acceptance rates by admitting woefully underqualified students. Schools could improve graduation rates by lowering academic standards required for degrees. Additionally, some vital aspects of education resist quantification. Measuring social-emotional learning, creativity, resilience, citizenship, and other central aims proves challenging. While various survey instruments help, much student development occurs in immeasurable ways.

Another key limitation is that KPIs offer indicators correlated with success, not a formula that guarantees it. Two schools can have identical KPIs but produce substantially different student outcomes. The danger is putting too much stock in metrics alone while losing sight of less tangible drivers of excellence. Overemphasizing KPIs can also lead to tunnel vision where institutions just try moving the needle on designated targets rather than innovating breakthrough solutions. For instance, myopically pushing up standardized test scores often centers rote test preparation at the expense of dynamic teaching. With vigilance against potential adverse effects, education leaders can incorporate KPIs as a tool that informs - but does not replace - sound judgment.


In an increasingly data-driven education landscape, key performance indicators powerfully equip institutions to set strategic goals, allocate resources effectively, demonstrate results, and drive continuous improvement. By choosing metrics aligned to their specific mission, stakeholders, and student population served, schools can adopt customized KPI frameworks to guide decisions and track performance. Regularly collecting, monitoring, reporting on and responding to KPI data enables more targeted administration. Centering institutional culture around shared KPIs unlocks potential by focusing effort on the metrics that matter most. Despite requiring careful implementation, KPIs ultimately provide educational institutions with an indispensable mechanism for fulfilling their enduring purpose: positively shaping each student’s personal growth and academic trajectory.

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